Committee Hong Kong  •  Healthcare & Insurance

[Webinar] H&I Committee: Innovation in personalised healthcare: Important advances are being made, how can we all benefit?


For members only

Price: Free


Event ended.

Join this H&I Committee session to hear about 'Innovation in Personalised Healthcare: Important advances are being made, how can we all benefit?'

Nowadays, data and artificial intelligence are heavily leveraged in the healthcare sector, making personalised healthcare - treatment and disease prevention for individual patients - now possible. Technology is pushing us to rethink the healthcare system for future: What are the disruptive innovations being developed thanks to technology? How can we all benefit from it?

Join this Healthcare and Insurance Committee session to hear from Gareth Lane, PHC Lead at Roche Hong Kong, Prof Anne Lee, Clinical Oncology Professor at the University of Hong Kong, as well as Dr York Chow, Chief Medical Officer and Corporate Advisor at AIA, about 'Innovation in Personalised Healthcare: Important advances are being made, how can we all benefit?'.

During this session, Gareth will give a keynote speech to illustrate what is personalised healthcare, precision medicine, as well as digital health. He will share with us the latest breakthroughs, as well as the role of data. In the following panel discussion, Gareth will be joined by Prof Lee and Dr Chow, where they will discuss about how to make this technology more affordable, the role of insurance companies and academia in making Hong Kong more innovative, as well as Hong Kong's positioning in healthcare-related fields within the GBA area.




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* The Chamber reserves the right to cancel or postpone its events.
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* If Typhoon 8 (or above) or Black Rainstorm Signal is hoisted, all events will be cancelled.

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* The booking will be confirmed exclusively upon completion of the online payment. CASH PAYMENTS ARE NOT PERMITTED.

* Cancellation must be notified in writing to events(@) at least 3 working days prior to the event, otherwise no refund will be made.
* No-show penalty will be charged for members and non-members, unless the event is cancelled by the organiser.
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* The Chamber reserves the right to cancel or postpone its events.
* Our events are closed to the media. Special coverage of Chamber events may be permitted on a case-by-case basis and only if prior permission has been sought.
* If Typhoon 8 (or above) or Black Rainstorm Signal is hoisted, all events will be cancelled.