Evènements • Webinar Hong Kong
[Supported event] [Webinar] Retour en France: régime des impatriés et comment organiser votre patrimoine?
La Banque Transatlantique, experte en gestion de patrimoine, répondra aux questions pratiques sur un retour en France.
Dans le contexte d’instabilité actuel et après plusieurs années d’expatriation, vous vous posez la question de regagner la France.
Pour certains d’entre vous, ce choix a déjà été fait et entraine immanquablement un certain nombre d’interrogations :
- Critères de résidence fiscale en France
- Régime de faveur des impatriés, puis-je en bénéficier ?
- Incidences sur la taxation des revenus et plus-values financières, que faire avant un retour en France
- Conséquences sur d’éventuelles donations
- Régime fiscal de la vente de biens immobiliers à Hong Kong
- Achat immobilier en France, financement, garantie de loyer
La Banque Transatlantique, experte en gestion de patrimoine, prendra la parole afin de décrypter l’ensemble de ces sujets.
Ils complèteront leur exposé par un échange de questions-réponses.
Hervé Guinebert (Directeur - Bureau de Hong Kong , Banque Transatlantique), Bertrand Cosson (Directeur de l'ingénierie patrimoniale, Banque Transatlantique) et Séverine Wullens ( Chargée d’affaires, Bureau de Hong Kong , Banque Transatlantique) .
Organisé en support avec la Chambre de Commerce de Hong Kong
[Supported event] [Webinar] Retour en France: régime des impatriés et comment organiser votre patrimoine?
Event ended.
Terms and Conditions
For events which are free for members:
* An online registration is a confirmed booking.
* Cancellation must be notified in writing to events(@)fccihk.com at least 3 working days prior to the event, otherwise no refund will be made.
* For in-person events, no-show penalty of HK$200 will be charged for members and non-members, unless the event is cancelled by the organiser.
* By attending our events, you agree to be photographed and/or filmed and give permission to use your likeness in promotional and/or marketing materials.
* The Chamber reserves the right to cancel or postpone its events.
* Our events are closed to the media. Special coverage of Chamber events may be permitted on a case-by-case basis and only if prior permission has been sought.
* If Typhoon 8 (or above) or Black Rainstorm Signal is hoisted, all events will be cancelled.
For paid events for both members and non members:
* The booking will be confirmed exclusively upon completion of the online payment. CASH PAYMENTS ARE NOT PERMITTED.
* Cancellation must be notified in writing to events(@)fccihk.com at least 3 working days prior to the event, otherwise no refund will be made.
* No-show penalty will be charged for members and non-members, unless the event is cancelled by the organiser.
* By attending our events, you agree to be photographed and/or filmed and give permission to use your likeness in promotional and/or marketing materials.
* The Chamber reserves the right to cancel or postpone its events.
* Our events are closed to the media. Special coverage of Chamber events may be permitted on a case-by-case basis and only if prior permission has been sought.
* If Typhoon 8 (or above) or Black Rainstorm Signal is hoisted, all events will be cancelled.