Vivian CheungExecutive Director of Airport Operations, Hong Kong Airport Authority

Vivian Cheung Holds a Master degree of Business Administration and a Bachelor degree of Computer Science. She is an alumni of the Stanford Executive Program from the Stanford University. She was appointed Executive Director, Airport Operations in December 2019. Mrs Cheung worked for the General Electric Company and a high tech startup in the Silicon Valley before joining the Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK) in 1992. With more than 28 years of experience in airport management, she has held a number of senior management positions in the AAHK. Mrs Cheung is currently a Director of Hong Kong – Zhuhai Airport Management Company Limited and Vice Chairman of Shanghai Hong Kong Airport Management Company Limited. Active in community service, she is a member of the Liaison Panel for Accreditation of Vocational and Professional Education and Training of Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications, and a member of Board of Directors of Support! International Foundation.