KK TseFounding Chair and CEO Education for Good CIC Ltd.

Dr K K Tse is the Founding Chair of Hong Kong Social Entrepreneurship Forum and the Founding Chair & Chief Education Officer of Education for Good CIC Ltd. He has held senior executive positions in the Shui On Group before setting up his own management consulting company, K K Tse & Associates in 1992.
He retired early from 2000 onwards and has been active in promoting social entrepreneurship in Hong Kong. He is the first member of the Ashoka Support Network in Hong Kong since September, 2007. And he is the Co-founder of a social enterprise, DiD (HK) Ltd., which brought Dialogue in the Dark to Hong Kong in 2008. Since 2010, Dr Tse became a member of the Government-appointed Social Enterprise Advisory Committee.
Apart from that, Dr Tse has been actively working on social entrepreneurship related publications and is the Editor for several books on social entrepreneurship including 《新愚公移山:十個社會企業創業者的故事》(2007), Everyday Legends: Stories of 20 Great UK Social Entrepreneurs《社會企業妙點子》(2008) and《公益創業: 青年創業與中年轉業的新選擇》. He has been the Founding Editor of the biweekly Social Entrepreneurs Newsletter published electronically since June 2007.
Education for Good was certified by the US-based B Lab as a B Corp in March 2016.