David BaverezPrivate investor and author

David Baverez is a private investor and author.
After fifteen years spent between London and Boston, he has lived in Hong Kong for the last decade. For ten years (1995-2005), David worked for Fidelity Investments where he oversaw various European and Global Equity funds. In 2005, he set up his own investment company. At the end of 2010, he took the contrarian step to return all funds to his investors, anticipating future European sovereign issues.
Since then, he has settled in Hong Kong where he spends his time understanding the disruptions linked to the emergence of the « New China ».
David is a regular columnist in the French newspapers L’Opinion and Les Echos.
He is the author of « Generation Tonique – L’Occident est completement a l’Ouest » (Plon, 2015), « Beijing express » (Westphalia Press, 2018), « Chine-Europe : le grand tournant » (Le Passeur, 2021) and « Bienvenue en économie de guerre » (Novice, 2024).
David is a graduate of the HEC Business School and of the INSEAD MBA Programme.