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HealthCare and Insurance

The Healthcare Committee is open to all members of the French Chamber. The committee also welcome members who wish to join and contribute. We extend our invitation to stakeholders from the healthcare sector, including, but not limited to Healthcare providers, Medical insurance providers, Licensed conventional and alternative healthcare practitioners, Suppliers of healthcare products and services, Pharmaceutical companies, Medical device providers, Digital and innovation providers, Healthcare academics, Investors and policy makers, Representatives from various healthcare-related sectors, Patient advocacy groups. Anyone interested in sharing and learning more about the latest health and medical insurance news, opportunities, and innovations.
The Healthcare Committee aims to establish a forum and platform for healthcare organisations to:
- Exchange insights and ideas to promote healthcare innovations, enhancing the patient journey and outcomes in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area.
- Engage on healthcare issues and explore business opportunities within the diverse and dynamic healthcare sector.
- Provide support to Chamber members on healthcare matters, offering education and updates regarding developments in the healthcare sector.
Additionally, the committee offers an authoritative response to consultative and policy papers prepared by the Hong Kong Government on healthcare issues that may impact Chamber members. We proactively raise such issues when necessary.
You should be interested in this committee, if:
- Networking with other healthcare and insurance providers.
- Advocacy and awareness work for healthcare in Hong Kong.
- Involvement in submitting suggestions to the government regarding policy addresses and budgets.
- Participation in educational sessions.
Members’ Profile:
- Business leaders and industry players from the healthcare sector.
- Healthcare providers and medical insurance professionals.
- Healthcare innovation and technology companies, start-ups, and entrepreneurs.
- Healthcare R&D institutions, science, biotechnology, and laboratory staff.
- Researchers, academics, and medical professionals.
- Patient advocacy groups and other healthcare enthusiasts.
- Committee meetings occur 5 or 6 times per year, typically during lunchtime.
- Events are held 1 to 2 times per year.
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